Full Length Research Paper
The term Minimalist is often applied colloquially to designate or suggest anything which is spare or stripped to its absolute essentials. It has its origins with an art critic seeking to describe what he saw, but has also been used to describe such diverse genres as plays by authors such as Samuel Beckett, films by director Robert Bresson (the narratives of Raymond Carver), the simple musical works of composer Philip Glass (the art installations of Sol LeWitt), the German Bauhaus art movement and even the cars designed by Colin Chapman and the educational principles of John Carroll among others. This paper considers why understanding of the concept is not only necessary but also useful. The principle of Minimalism is proposed as being a useful theoretical tool which supports a more differentiated understanding of reduction, and thus creates a standpoint that allows the definition of simplicity in its various aspects.
Key words: Minimalist, simplicity, theoritical tool.
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