Journal of
Bioinformatics and Sequence Analysis

  • Abbreviation: J. Bioinform. Seq. Anal.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2464
  • DOI: 10.5897/JBSA
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 50


Competitiveness of Ljubljana city

Art Kovačič
Institute for Economic Research, Kardeljeva pl., Slovenia

  •  Published: 18 September 2013


Ljubljana can be observed through different perspectives. Urban development is often written on the basis of economic level, social development, benchmarking results with similar economies, on the basis of past experiences. By urbanistic way of life we cover the main Slovenian areas in polycentric net, that is well organised in EU space. City is forced to lead a vital, beautiful and clean environment that supports economic and social progress and quality of life. According on the Central Europe programme we can realise the new competitiveness strategy. Competitiveness is now more regional oriented and cover the needs of economy and citizens on specific area. We would like to increase the competitiveness level by providing equal opportunities for larger set of regions and border regions. The research can be understood as a sum of economic and social success of all regions in the area. The concept of local economy and the connections among city and surrounds as investment bases, industrial capacities can increase the investment potential. Well conditions for business development in Central Slovenia are can supported the city competitiveness. In article I will show the business importance of the city and also the business circumstances in Ljubljana’s area. Creating a better circumstance for competitive growth in more ubranistic Europe, with high share of elderly citizens, and with important cultural heritage can be explained with next instruments. The modern concept of city development (case Ljubljana) will be analysed through different perspectives. European perspectives give a more modern view on city development. City development can be seen as a balance of different interests among investors, households, citizens, tourists and government. SMEs companies usually take more modern concept of planning development. But urban development has to involve the competitiveness research. So, by increasing the competitive level we improve the position of enterprises in the city. 

Key words: Productivity and competitiveness, benchmarking, development strategy, national development, JEL classification: 011, 024, 038, 057: UDC: 339, 9.